It would be ‘disastrous PR’ for homeless savior Prince William to move into Royal Lodge

In Camilla Tominey’s recent column in the Telegraph, she poured scorn on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex via her network of cracked-out “royal sources.” She does have sources in the Wales camp and in Camilla’s camp, of that I’m sure. Which makes it especially interesting that her sources indicated that Prince William and Kate are less focused on the Sussexes these days because… they’re focused on getting Prince Andrew the hell out of Royal Lodge. Tominey claimed that Andrew’s eviction was a “more pressing issue” because the Waleses have “earmarked Prince Andrew’s much larger mansion, Royal Lodge, as a future family home – but the Duke is refusing to budge.” Hilariously, this does not seem to be a pressing issue for King Charles, who is happy enough to allow Andrew to squat in Royal Lodge for as long as he wants.

All of this talk about Royal Lodge being a potential home for William and Kate (or William solo) has been percolating for a good two years. It was back in 2021 when W&K suddenly decided that they simply had to move out of London, and they waged a very public campaign to be “given” a grand royal property on the Windsor estate. Eventually, they were given Adelaide Cottage, which doesn’t even have room for live-in staff. They’ve been going back and forth in the media about how Adelaide is cramped, but no, they won’t move, but again, they’d really love to move into Royal Lodge, but they’re fine, but they hate Adelaide Cottage, but no rush! So as William launches his big homelessness program, behind the scenes, he’s trying to angle himself into his sixth home. The Mail’s Ephraim Hardcastle wrote a particularly shady piece about it:

William’s homelessness campaign finally scotches rumours that King Charles wants Andrew out of Royal Lodge so William and Kate can move in. Upgrading from four-bedroom Adelaide Cottage in less than a year to Andrew’s 30-room mansion would be disastrous PR for the campaigning prince. Though should Charles succeed in evicting Andrew, might the disgraced duke be rendered homeless and qualify for help from his nephew’s crusade?

[From The Daily Mail]

“Upgrading from four-bedroom Adelaide Cottage in less than a year to Andrew’s 30-room mansion would be disastrous PR for the campaigning prince.” LMAO, what’s funny is that’s exactly what William is doing. It’s amazing to me that all of the British media – usually so sycophantic towards William – has jumped down his throat about Homewards. To the point where even the Mail’s columnists are like “look, you can’t be a homelessness crusader AND evict your uncle to take his mansion.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.